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Member Since 20 Mar 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2004 03:08 PM

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Shared Memory

21 March 2003 - 02:45 PM

I'm new to ProIV, and I got a Sun Solaris 2.6 E3000 box with 256 MB Ram with ProIV 4.0 installed and about 60 users.

Got some error logs in /etc/isamlog file:
Fri Mar 21 13:00:25 GMT 2003: Shared Memory Full: PID 9149 tried 7 times
Fri Mar 21 13:03:55 GMT 2003: Shared Memory Full: PID 404 tried 5 times
Fri Mar 21 13:07:35 GMT 2003: Shared Memory Full: PID 12762 tried 1 times
Fri Mar 21 13:07:35 GMT 2003: Shared Memory Full: PID 416 tried 1 times

My /etc/isamdef file is:
MAXFILES = 200 max # of open isam files
MAXUSERS = 64 max # users in system
USRFILES = 10 max # open files per user
MAXLOCKS = 100 max # of simultaneous rcd locks
AVGLOCK = 64 average size (bytes) of a record lock

# SHMSIZE = 25496 shared memory size (alternate to above 4 parms)
# (assuming (dev_t == 2) and (pid_t == 4))
# SHMDELAY = 2 time to wait for a resource (seconds)
# SHMRETRY = 30 max # of attempts at resource

1. Is it better to use SHMSIZE instead of all this parameters?
2. If so, which value is reasonable? (I'm adding 1Gb of RAM to this box soon).
3. How does this variable relates to Kernel parameter SHMMAX on /etc/system file.
Kernel vaules are:
* IPC Shared Memory
1048576 max shared memory segment size (SHMMAX)
1 min shared memory segment size (SHMMIN)
100 shared memory identifiers (SHMMNI)
6 max attached shm segments per process (SHMSEG)

Any help is wellcome!

Marcelo Ruas

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