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Donald Miller

Member Since 18 May 2002
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2017 09:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Proiv Version 7 & new change management tool

05 June 2012 - 08:39 PM


You don't have to use the change management tool if you already have your own change management procedures in place. Change management is the same as version control or at the basest level back ups of your software.

From the initial tests I conducted the email feature is pretty simple to use and could be easily made much more user friendly. As far as I'm aware it is part of Version 7 and incurs no extra cost. Pro IV should be able to confirm this. Although you will have to spend time incorporating the new features into your existing system. There are many advantages of Version 7 - maybe the sales team or your account manager at Pro IV could point out what some of them are. The printing features are greatly enhanced apparently (but I haven't had a chance to use them yet). If you have an evaluation copy (of 7) with the examples installed - have a look at them. They should show you what kind of features are available.


In Topic: Oracle Selection Issue

31 January 2012 - 07:37 PM

Hi Tom

Have you verified with Northgate Arinso Support that the problem is not a fault with your release of Pro IV?



In Topic: Proiv Version 7 & new change management tool

12 October 2011 - 10:36 PM

Hi Kate

I upgraded from 5.5 r513 to 5.5 r556 and using VIP 5.5965 re-genned everything prior to exporting to a vpx for installation into

Originally I'd loaded onto the same machine (for evaluation) that 5.5 was on but there were issues preventing 5.5 from operating correctly. Pro IV Support were very helpful in getting my existing environments back to (nearly) the state they were in before. There were windows registry corrections/changes to be made that I was unaware of and that Support investigated and found.

My recommendation would be to install 7.n onto a different machine that 5.n. If you never need the 5.n ever again then it may not be so critical. In my case I did as not all my customers have upgraded yet.

I would also recommend that you contact Pro IV Support, in advance, for an upgrade path as they have all the information you're likely to need.

Other than the "two releases on the same box problem" the rest of the installation went as expected. There were some cosmetic changes required but that was because I'd used some bitmaps for Tabs and they had been altered between the releases. As it turned out the changes were an improvement.

Good Luck


In Topic: Global Screen...sometimes

29 March 2011 - 08:51 PM


I thought that might have been the case - need to get a more recent copy of the docs.


In Topic: Global Screen...sometimes

29 March 2011 - 02:38 PM

Hi Rick

Glad you got it sorted. And glad it is possible - although mine will be GUI.



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