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Member Since 14 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2021 07:15 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Don't use PROIV v9 9.54.9 and earlier with SQLServer

01 April 2021 - 07:16 AM

v9.61 is now out on the PROIV website which, PROIV say, fixes the WITH (NOLOCK) issue.

In Topic: Don't use PROIV v9 9.54.9 and earlier with SQLServer

31 March 2021 - 02:27 PM

As a matter of interest, would you be experiencing locking issues here because you are not using row versioning?


(IIRC, row versioning a.k.a. MVCC is an optional thing in SQL/Server, unlike Oracle, Postgres and MySQL/InnoDB)

Interesting question.  I'll ask the customer what they're doing.  However, as PROIV have made no mention of this and have said they're putting back the auto-insert of WITH (NOLOCK), I suspect it's not relevant.

In Topic: ProIV Documentation

31 March 2021 - 10:21 AM

You can find the v9 documentation on-line.


It's pretty dreadful, though, in relation to the new dashboard.  There's nothing to tell you which dashboard setting relates to which v8 .ini setting and vice versa.

In Topic: Write Errors with SQL Server 2016 and PROIV v9

17 November 2020 - 09:32 AM

Hi Marlon


Is SQL_NOSIG enabled in your v9 configuration?




Hi Neil,

I don't know.  The PROIV v9 help only tells you what the equivalent is, proiv.virtualMachine.database.driver.general.enableSQLAlarm, not where to set it so I don't know what we have. (To say I'm not enamoured with the v9 help would be an understatement).

In Topic: SEL-RANGE behaivours differently

05 November 2020 - 10:09 AM

Re SEL-RANGE not working with SEL-RANGE(var1 + var2 etc.), that's not a bug, it's a feature.  PROIV is full of features!


We don't use SEL-RANGE any more as we are totally Oracle/SQLServer, we also use FFSQL in the selection logic.

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