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Joseph Bove

Member Since 07 Jul 2000
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2018 04:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Starting Programmer Salary input requested

18 June 2011 - 01:35 AM


Predominantly for folks in the US:

What do you look to pay a starting programmer (with no ProIV experience)?

Feel free to response privately

Thanks in advance


14 May 2011 - 05:18 PM

Hey folks,

We're moving our developement tools to 7.0

We're having an issue with trying to use the ProIV supplied bulk build stub function @VIPWP03. Basically, it just returns the error INVALID FUNCTION NAME - 028

Our steps are to load @VPBQ01 appropriately and then set the @$COM variables consistent with the documentation.

Has anyone seen and cracked this error?

Thanks in advance,


US Company looking for an Australian presence

28 December 2007 - 10:18 PM


We are currently in discussions with a prospect in Australia. We have, over the years, had a number of Australian or New Zealand based prospects that always end up going another direction because we don't have an Australian presence.

We presently have another prospect and have are at the point where they have narrowed done their selection to us and an Australian based offeror whose software is not as good a fit as ours.

In there any company in the ProIV world with an Australian presence who would be interested in partnering to some extent? We are very open to any business relationship that would make sense for everyone involved.

If interested, please email me through this site.

Happy New Year to all in the ProIV world,


Setting up postgresql

08 December 2006 - 11:55 PM

This is the discussion topic for the wiki article: Setting up postgresql

View Unread Posts

13 November 2006 - 08:15 PM


Not to minimize the huge amount of work that you've done in rebuilding the forum...

One feature that I find myself missing considerably is the View Unread Posts button. I had found it invaluable for keeping up-to-date on all the threads on this board. If you have a chance to re-instate it, it would be much appreciated.



Click the link below to see the new game I'm developing!