Has anyone attempted and succeeded using PuTTY instead of "DOS" (windows cmd) telnet.exe to connect to a Linux server?
Here's the why I'm trying...
If a Linux user has a French language ($LANG = fr_CA.utf-8) and/or there are French characters being displayed by a Linux script, these character are not readable via DOS telnet.
They're perfectly fine if I ssh or telnet using PuTTY.
The only way that I could get a PuTTY terminal window at all, was by adding the following in the General/Connection/Advanced Parameters/Parameters field: -load "[my saved session]" -P 23 -telnet
This gives me a login prompt in a PuTTY window; allows me to login fine and see correctly displayed French characters (whether my Linux user is set to fr_CA.utf-8 or en_CA.utf-8); but when I execute the script to run ProIV, and choose the GUICLR option - it displays (poorly) to the PuTTY window, instead of returning control to MFC client like the telnet window does.
Hope this makes sense(?)
Thanks in advance