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Ross Bevin

Member Since 23 Oct 2002
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2023 12:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Fluctuating Process Speed V10.503 With SQL Server 2019

10 February 2023 - 07:09 PM

Hi there,


We are provisioning a new ProLiant Gen10 production server with ProIV v10.503 and SQL Server 2019. Both are installed on the same server.


I have an issue that has been driving me crazy and am hoping someone out there can shed some light on the cause. We have a process called Financial Consolidation (CON) that I have been using for bench mark speed testing. This server is not yet in production and has very little running on it while I'm testing. CON is made up of a dozen update functions. Basically it deletes a lot of SQL records then reloads them by reading from the same SQL table and writing back into it under a different company code key. It's all SQL processing. The delete of SQL records is done by a separate update so that is committed after it completes.


The time to run this process should take around 11 minutes. Some days it takes 11 minutes and other days it takes 19 minutes. I have 3 identical ProIV environments on this server. Each database is identical. I can run CON separately in all 3 environments and it may run fast on two but slow on the third. Or, it runs fast in one and slow in the other two. It randomly changes after a restart of ProIV. What's really strange is if I run CON in all 3 environments at the same time they typically all complete at the same time in around 13 minutes. And, what's stranger too, sometimes when I run the slow environment again after running in all 3 simultaneously it now runs fast. It will continue to run fast under the next restart of ProIV.


I have tried changing the ODBC drivers between “SQL Server Native Client 11” and “ODBC Driver 17 For SQL Server” driver without any noticeable difference. I have also changed the SQL setting "Max Degree Of Parallelism" from 8 to 0 and vice versa without any difference. This server is set up like our current production server where CON takes consistently the same time to run no matter what the environment.

Do anyone have any idea on what could be causing this speed anomaly? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




ProIV Developer Position Available (On site or remote)

27 October 2021 - 10:14 PM

Hi there,


I contract for a manufacturing company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They have an internal ERP system, written in ProIV (on Windows Server / SQL Server) that they have used and constantly enhanced for the past 30 years. I was contracted by them in 1996 to GUIize the system and have worked for them full time for the last 18 years. We are in need of another full time developer to join our team. Obviously someone who was located in Calgary would be ideal but we will entertain remote for the right person. Some of the business processes are complex so it will take the right person some time to get up to speed on them. Because of this we are looking for someone who would see this opportunity as long term. If anyone is interested they can email me at rossbevin@yahoo.ca.




Text File To .DOCX Or .DOC Converter

08 February 2019 - 09:42 PM

Hi everyone,


We give our users the ability to output a report to MS Word. We do this rather simply by naming the text file with a .doc extension and send it to Word. We have a macro that then formats the text based on a format code at the beginning of the file. When the user saves the report it gets saved as a true .DOC file. This has worked well for us over the years but is no longer ideal.


Does anyone use or know of a product we can purchase that will convert a .TXT file to .DOCX or .DOC? We need to be able to do this within ProIV via a SYSTEM call. E.g. a exe where we pass it file and formatting parameters.


Thanks in advance!




Client Side File Folder Browser

29 August 2018 - 01:37 PM

Hi there,


We need a solution whereby a user launches a window from ProIV (ProIV Client, not Open Client) that allows the user to browse folders on the Client side. We only want the user to be able to drill into folders they have permission for. We want them to be able to select a file and have that file copied to a folder on the ProIV server side. We are running the latest version of ProIV in a Windows environment.


If anyone can shed some light on available solutions I would greatly appreciate it.



Ross Bevin

Change Management Solutions

18 June 2018 - 10:11 PM

Hi there,


We are running on the latest release of ProIV ( Last week we had a demo from Andrew Turner (ProIV UK) on the change management system and a third party product he uses called GitHub. GitHub is used in conjunction with JASON ProIV function exports (XML) to manage and document changes to a function. We are looking at starting to use GitHub but first want to see what other users may be using. Can anyone who is using a change management solution like GitHub please let me know what they are using and why they like using it. Thank you in advance.




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