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Mandla Skhosana

Member Since 07 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2016 08:33 AM

Topics I've Started

postgres database connection

28 January 2016 - 05:11 AM

HI There


has anyone setup Proiv with Postgres database?





Charts on version8 oc

07 October 2015 - 10:35 AM

hi Guys


has anyone started work on the bar charts on version 8.

i am struggling to label my bottom axis labes and the labels on the bars.

i think its a proiv bug.


e.g.    if i try changing a labels on the bottom axis on after read of a file it overwrites all the bottom axis labels on the chart with the last lines text on after read.

please help.

Chart.BottomAxis_label_format = $MY_VARIABLE






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